(9-11-11), USS_San_Diego_(CA-6) & USS_California_(ACR-6)
On September 11, 1926 Hawaii's tallest tower was the Aloha Tower, it opened on the edge of Honolulu_Harbor. Then 4 decades later & just 2 blocks away, planning started for the cities tallest office complex of that era. This twin tower office complex was built during the late 1960s & early 1970s, around the same time as the much larger WTC in NYC. Although they are no longer the tallest office buildings in Hawaii, they do seem to be like a symbolically smaller version of the old WTC theme.
In 2002 Honolulu's Amfac Center was renamed, the Topa Financial Center.
Given the 9-11-1926 opening date of the Aloha_Tower at pier 9 & then having a twin tower office complex open a couple blocks north in the early 1970s is an interesting bit of synchronicity.
The Pearl_Harbor Base opened in the year 1,911.
"Construction of the base at Pearl Harbor commenced in 1908 and officially opened when the USS California sailed into harbor in 1911."
The USS California:
"In early September 1911 she was dry-docked for routine maintenance and she exited the dry-dock on 11 September.
During December of 1911 she sailed for Honolulu, Hawaii for the opening ceremonies of the completion of the Pearl Harbor entrance channel. The Pearl Harbor Naval Station, across Quarry Loch, was authorized in 1908. Dredging of the Pearl Harbor channel entrance began in 1910 and, on December 14, 1911, USS California became the first warship to pass through the new channel into Pearl Harbor."
Certain number-patterns seem to show up throughout time & history.
Rod_Serling used Pearl Harbor in what would become the pre-series_pilot or first story into The_Twilight_Zone:The_Time_Element. Then once The TZ was given the green light, the first actor to star in the first episode happened to be born on 9-11-1928. Earl_Holliman in Where_Is_Everybody?,