Things here aren't always arranged alphabetically & can be read in any order.
alternative-news-and-reports, atlantis, batman-connections, coincidence-synchronicity, consciousness, crystal-ball, mars-earth, 666-fifth-avenue, superman-synchronicity, superman-ii-and-twin-towers
This is a non-profit multi-branch reference blog project that functions like a vast intersection for comparing various sources & perspectives of data.
Anything from science to sci-fi, religions, legends & mythology, pop culture, etc. It relies heavily on what can be pulled from any general search_engine like G, Y and B. Although plenty of data is referenced through Wikipedia, it is intended as just a basic surface level into more in depth sources. Even & wont necessarily provide all the pertinent data in ones search. This blog extensively references symbolism, coincidence & synchronicity from several sources. However, that's just one prime component of it, because its intended to link & reference several things in general. Its not intended to be a metaphysical version of the Drudge_Report, or Craigslist, just a blog-network that's tapping into several things. All within the context of Fair Use & non-commercial purposes. There is a tremendous amount of information on the Web & a lot of people & perspectives throughout the World & this blog network is just a speck of it.
About, the-occult-intersection
What is the point of such bearded violence throughout history?,,,
- Battle of Stirling Bridge, 11th September 1297
At dawn the English and Welsh infantry start to cross only to be recalled due to the fact that their leader, Warenne, has overslept. Again they cross the bridge and again they are recalled: as Warenne believes the Scots might finally negotiate. Two Dominican friars are sent to Wallace to acquire his surrender and return shortly afterwards with William Wallace's first recorded speech: 'Tell your commander that we are not here to make peace but to do battle, defend ourselves and liberate our kingdom. Let them come on, and we shall prove this in their very beards.’ ,